Society in general and the media in particular often talk about "high-risk amniocentesis". This creates a scenario of threat or fear on which individual and societal decisions regarding prenatal diagnostics are based.
In contrast, robust scientific data from the past 10 years on the intervention-related miscarriage rate (abortion rate) prove that amniocentesis carries minimal residual risks and that chorionic villus sampling in expert hands is practically risk-free.
The BVNP - Berufsverband niedergelassener Pränatalmediziner (professional association of practicing prenatal physicians) has prepared a dossier on this subject on its homepage entitled "Current risks of diagnostic puncture". Here, the perceived risks are subjected to a sober, very reassuring fact check.
MVZ PraenatGyn GmbH - Praxis für Pränatalmedizin Mainz
Prof. Scharf-Jahns und Kollegen / Practice for Prenatal Medicine Mainz Prof. Scharf-Jahns and colleagues
Telefon / Phone:
06131 49 08 900
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0176 83 05 88 36